Fremont Lyft Accident Lawyer

Maison Law Accident & Injury Lawyers of Fremont helps car accident victims, including those that are hurt during a Lyft ride. Riding in a Lyft offers a lot of convenience, but that comes with the tradeoff of not being in control of the car. This, obviously, can lead to accidents. Our Fremont car accident lawyers can help. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Why Would You Need a Lawyer?

A Lyft accident isn’t any different from other car accidents in Fremont. But legally speaking, one of these accidents can be confusing. Not only will it involve someone else, but also your Lyft driver. Even as a passenger, you have the legal right to file an injury claim. Whether you need a lawyer, though, depends on the circumstances.

Basically, the more hurt you are, the more help you’ll need. Hopefully, your accident was only minor, and won’t require legal action. However, being in a Lyft can mean that you’re pretty vulnerable to injuries. Then, you also have the added complexity of multiple insurance companies and liability issues. We’ll be there to help you through the entire process from start to finish.

Liability Issues in a Lyft Accident

Figuring out responsibility–or legal liability–for your Lyft accident is a very important step in the legal process. Legally speaking, there’s no difference between a Lyft and regular car accident. Negligence is still the key. But, in reality, it can be very difficult to figure out liability in a Lyft accident.

Most of the issues come from the fact that your Lyft driver is an “independent contractor” and doesn’t work for Lyft directly. This means that their own personal car insurance will be the one that’s liable to cover your injuries if your Lyft driver is responsible for the accident.

This isn’t always straightforward, especially in a Lyft accident, which is usually caused by things like:

  • Distracted driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Fatigue
  • Inexperience
  • Mechanical issues
  • Poor weather
  • Road hazards

So, if your Lyft driver causes the accident because of any of the above, their insurance will be the one you file the claim against. Then, there’s the possibility that other drivers, or even the city government could be involved in the accident. This adds to the complexity, and to the number of insurance companies going back and forth trying to reduce their liability.

All in all, being in a Lyft accident can be very stressful, especially if you were just in it for a short time. Still, as an injury victim, you’re allowed to file a claim for damages.

Your Damages in a Lyft Accident

Every Lyft accident, no matter what the cause is, carries the possibility of leaving your hurt. While your physical injuries go a long way in determining your “damages,” that’s not the only thing that’s considered.

California law is fairly specific about what can be recovered in an injury claim. Normally, it takes into account any losses that stem from the accident and your injuries. This includes things like missed time from work, damage to your vehicle or personal belongings, and even the mental and psychological impact of the accident. It’s these that make up the core of your damages. In a successful claim, you can potentially recover:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages or earnings
  • Repair/replacement costs for personal property
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship or enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death expenses, if the Lyft accident turns out to be fatal

Making Your Claim Stronger

Going through the claims process after an accident, particularly involving Lyft, is essential for recovering damages. However, it’s crucial to demonstrate the full extent of the impact the accident has had on you. So, knowing what to do immediately after the incident is paramount.

  • First and foremost, think about your health. If you’re injured, call an ambulance for immediate assistance. Seek further medical care at a hospital or urgent care after you leave the scene.

  • Next, inform Lyft about the accident through their app and make sure to note the driver’s details for reference. This data is saved by the company, but can be difficult to get in some cases.

  • Gather evidence by taking photos of the accident scene, vehicles involved, and any injuries sustained. Collect contact information from witnesses who can provide testimony.

  • Report the accident to the Fremont Police Department or Alameda County Sheriff. Once they’re on the scene, make sure that they get an accurate picture of what happened and that you get a copy of the report if one is filed.

  • Keep good records of all documents related to the accident, including medical bills and any communication with Lyft or insurance companies.

  • Tell both your insurance company and the Lyft driver’s insurer about the accident to initiate the claims process.

  • Track all expenses you have as a result of the accident and document your progress, such as medical treatments and therapy sessions.

  • Be cautious about what you say regarding the accident, especially on social media, as insurers may use this information against you.

Taking these steps are a very important part of your case. It shows that you were being proactive when it comes to your injuries and how you responded. But part of that process means being prepared, and being able to look at when most Lyft accidents happen.

When Do Lyft Accidents Happen?

Anytime you get in a Lyft, you could be involved in an accident. That’s just an unfortunate part of life. That said, you probably don’t use Lyft everyday. So, this narrows it down when looking at when a Lyft accident can happen:

  • Holidays and Weekends – Fremont has numerous festivals and events throughout the year, particularly set on weekends. This means much more traffic trying to get to certain spots in the city. Similarly, Lyft rides are frequent during holidays, when people are celebrating with each other.

  • Rush hour – Riding in a Lyft leads to accidents during morning rush hour as people are commuting to work or school, and also during evening rush hour as people are heading home from these places.

  • Late night – Another common time a Lyft is called is when enjoying Fremont’s nightlife. The city has many bars, nightclubs, and other spots where people can spend time together, often while drinking alcohol. Being responsible means calling a Lyft instead of trying to drive, but this also means accidents.

Again, it’s hard to pinpoint when exactly a Lyft accident can happen, but there’s a fair chance they’ll happen in one of the above scenarios. Remember that it can be tough to face a Lyft accident, but our team will support you.

Work With Fremont Lyft Accident Lawyers

If you’re in any type of car accident in Fremont, it can be tough for you and your family. But when you’re riding in a Lyft, it can bring additional challenges. That’s where Maison Law Accident & Injury Lawyers of Fremont come in. Our team of Lyft accident lawyers is here to help you get the treatment and benefits you need to recover. Contact us for a free consultation. We have the experience you can rely on.